$5.00 - $8.00
per item
- 1 sheet of 8 ½ ” x 11” White Paper or Larger
- Pencil
- Paint (Watercolor, Acrylics), Crayons or Pastels
- Paint Brush
- Paint Brush 1" Foam Brush, art sponge (Or cut a clean household sponge in quarters)
- With your paper in portrait position (vertical) move to the verybottom of your paper, come up about 2" find the middle and draw a circle this is the sun
- Directly under the sun, draw a very loose line, this is your land/mountains
- Above the sun draw 4 other loose lines approximately 3" in width these are the various color layers in the sky
- We will be painting from the bottom up. The land/mountains paint black
- Paint the sun and the first layer of color in the sky yellow, followed by orange, red, purple pink and blue.
- With each new color that you use, overlap a bit on the previous layer
Find out where the most beautiful sunsets in the world are?